Amtrak employees will also wear face coverings or a mask, the railroad service announced. 179, which is not classified to the Code. We will send password reset instructions. 5:30 AM - 10:30 PM. The railroad entity told its workers in a memo that it would allow those who were not vaccinated to get tested as an alternative. L. 11053 added subsec. While airlines, ride-sharing services, and other forms public transportation have been announcing its own policies, it remains unclear whether the U.S. Department of Justice will file an appeal to halt the order. 2976, provided that: shall be operated and managed as a for-profit corporation; and. In subsection (m)(1), before clause (A), the word New is omitted as surplus. Customers must supply their own facial covering. Amtrak continues to take extra steps to sanitize stations and trains. The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of Cond Nast. "While Amtrak passengers and employees are no longer required to wear masks while on board trains or in stations, masks are welcome and remain an important preventive measure against COVID-19," the statement read. While new guidelines have been crafted given the unprecedented nature of the pandemic, the underlying law of the ADA has not changed. We've received your submission. a professor at the University of Minnesota Law School, who was mistakenly barred from entering a commissary, who are at especially high risk of experiencing severe cases of COVID-19, a professor of law at Syracuse University who has researched misconceptions of disability rights, advocates have warned that it's often harder for disabled Americans to receive information about COVID-19, Ear loop masks, homemade cloth masks, offer protection against COVID-19, Department of Justice, June 30 Press Release, Department of Justice, COVID-19 Alert on Fraudulent Face Mask Flyers, EEOC, What You Should Know About COVID-19 and the ADA, the Rehabilitation Act, and Other EEO Laws, Military Times, "Wounded veteran Israel Del Toro gets apology after being refused entry to Peterson commissary, KKTV, "Wounded Warrior refused service over mask policy at Peterson AFB, Centers for Disease Control, People with Disabilities, CNBC, "The hidden struggles Americas disabled are facing during the coronavirus pandemic, 42 U.S.C. 2007Subsec. The equipment that is the subject of Amtrak's exemption request (one (1) Railbound Tunnel Crane, one (1) Track Laying Machine, and eight (8) Two-Man Rail Car Movers with Heavy Duty Crane, Railgear, and Rail Car Couplers), will be used to repair and maintain Amtrak's Track Infrastructure Assets. Face masks can be removed when customers are in their private rooms. The New York City Ferry is still requiring riders to wear masks. leases are omitted as surplus. Amtrak is booking only half of each train's normal capacity, making it easier for passengers to sit farther apart. L. 91518, 301 (3d sentence), 84 Stat. It may not display this or other websites correctly. On the W-4 write "For Oregon OnlyAmtrak." Attach to Form W-4 an explanation of qualifying duties. Oct. 30, 1970, Pub. brianpmcdonnell17 Conductor Joined Mar 5, 2016 Messages 1,559 TRAVEL + LEISURE is a registered trademark of Travel + Leisure Co., registered in the United States and other countries. L. 9673, 112(a), 93 Stat. That answer wasnt correct either. In subsection (j), the words existing, including the antitrust laws of the United States, and contracts . (e), is act June 8, 1954, ch. Enter the email address or member number associated with your account.