Sadly the assistant director is doing the same thing. Defrauded borrowers sue over six-year-old student-debt-relief claim. that reports on class action lawsuits, class action settlements, When asked if I may use my student loan to study in a field I would be able to obtain a job, based on my criminal record, I was told the loan was strictly for American Career College and had to pay back the loan. COMPLAINT DISPOSED WITH DISPOSITION OF REQUEST FOR DISMISSAL. There are alternatives to joining this school - much cheaper, better staffed, better structure, and better student support. May we get a referral please, Who is this lawyer in charge so I can talk to them. Why This For-Profit College Will Cancel $500 Million Of - Forbes I was considering sending my daughter to this school, and there is no way in the world I would let her go to one of their training certifications after reading this. Some instructors were very good in theory not in clinical, some were lazy, others expected you to know when you didn't. After reading the student reviews for American Career College how they indicate that they did not get what they paid for. I also already work in surgery (ortho/neuro/vascular) in another field (perfusion). I wish I hadnt as I am now in debt with nothing to show for it not even my diploma as they said I still owed them money and would not receive it. This case was filed Please note: While the offers mentioned above are accurate at the time of publication, they're subject to change at any time and may have changed, or may no longer be available. Please read this review before you make ANY decisions to attend ACC. I'm in the process of filing a class action against them for CONSUMER FRAUD. Defendant ACC intended to defraud plaintiff and those similarly situated with plaintiff as evidenced by the fact that defendant ACC provided no breakdown of the $33,950 tuition; failed to advise plaintiff and those similarly situated that aid had been obtained for housing, transportation, and personal funding; failed to disburse the aid obtained for transportation, housing and personal funding to plaintiff and those similarly situated, but instead kept those funds and applied them to services ACC did not and does not provide, states the class action lawsuit. The plaintiffs are seeking compensatory and punitive damages from the NAU defendants. STOP PLACING BLAME AND BE A GROWN UP. Tex.). I even when to very far places for interviews just to get rejected. ET. American Career College had promised their students that they will be getting paid anywhere from 14 -$35 an hour and I have three years of experience in medical billing now and I can't even reach what I was expected or promised. Many or all of the offers on this site are from companies from which Insider receives compensation (for a full list. Find legal resources and guidance to understand your business responsibilities and comply with the law. My dental assisting certification wasnt recognized by the state 3. 2020 Guide to the American Unsubscribe easily. I would not recommend any private schools at all. Better to take this course at community college, may take longer but way cheaper. But, that was another lie. Big no. You figure with a tuition of $35,000 you would have working equipment Projectors don't work which affects us greatly, skills lab equipment outdated or broken, the class size is too big leading to an abundance of talking all day not allowing you to listen to the lecture. BUT the lack of days we were actually allowed to BE on site, ruined it. The instructors are surgeons, RNs, and all of them are certified STs. As I joined even the director had just been rehired and once again a few months later left the director position and we stayed without a director for weeks. I went back because I guaranteed to have a job and they would help me, I. I highly recommend the program, and have high respect for the instructors. 5:10-CV-129-C (N.D. In 2013, the firm sued the owners of the Overland Park, KS-based Wright Career College. According to the lawsuit, Cottingham turned over its assets to ASFG in order to finance the loans made to Career Point students. So I called my term 3 teacher, who is now the schools ADON, and he said that the school does NOT pay for Nclex! And this is affecting my credit how is this fair? Unsubscribe easily. HANNAH SPENCER VS AMERICAN CAREER COLLEGE, MARIANNE MILITA -V- AMERICAN CAREER COLLEGE, CALIFORNIA COMMISSION ON TEACHER CREDENTIALING VS ARCADIA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT, Kuhlmann VS Office of Administrative Hearings. Sign up to receive our free weekly newsletter. I graduated already, I passed my HESI first try, I am ready. Clinicals here are a hot Mess. I am actually experiencing the same thing in the pharmacy program, insufficient materials, outdated materials, or instructors who could not teach because they can only show you what they have learned on the job for X amount of years without any teaching credentials. A federal judge granted preliminary approval last week to a class action lawsuit that will cancel the student loan debt of about 200,000 borrowers, eliminating out about $6 billion in total debt. We also were required to have so many clinical hours of OB/Maternity/Peds and Mental health, but they didn't even have a hospital for us to go to do our clinical hours at!! DocketCOMPLAINT DISPOSED WITH DISPOSITION OF REQUEST FOR DISMISSAL. Our first 20 weeks in the program of theory was spent with an instructor who wasn't even supposed to be teaching. That place was the worst nightmare of an experience. I joined ACC in Anaheim and I had no clue about these preexisting issues till recently. American Career College had promised their students, I went to ACC in 2002. they signed me up for financial aid. I am worried about how I am going to do on an externship with only knowing how to decode SIG and count beans and fill Rx. I JUST WANTED TO RESPOND TO ALL THE PEOPLE WRITING ON THIS POST. I am not being trained to give customer service and the cash register is digital like the ones in the pharmacy at the stores it needs to be updated.