If you are aware of an individual or corporation illegally using Deltas marks, please report to these uses to Legal Affairs. An official Rush begins the undergraduate membership process for Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated. While Deltas Legal Affairs works persistently to protect its property, Delta recognizes the invaluable service of members who refuse to patronize and who report unlicensed vendors. Submission of an application does not guarantee confirmation of space. Alpha Kappa Alpha Business Card Holder. Among Deltas licenses to use trademarks, Legal Affairs supports the Events Department which administers the Sororitys commercial licensing program, otherwise known as the Certified Vendor Program (Program). Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. - Service to All Mankind Since 1908. . To become licensed you must: 1) complete an application and provide a copy of your driver's license or other acceptable non-driver identification; 2) supply valid credit card information; 3) agree to abide by vendor rules and regulations; 4) complete and sign an Eligibility Statement, and 5) submit payment and a check payable to U.S. Sorority and Fraternity Services, Inc. You must also be a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated. Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority is launching our most progressive and revolutionary economic initiatives this century. Two years is defined as twenty-four (24) consecutive months. How do I fill out the how much does it cost to be an aka vendor form on my smartphone? We will equip communities with the tools, knowledge, and support to activate their voices and mobilize self-help to empower communities to help themselves. Alpha Kappa Alpha is a community service-focused sorority for African American women. If members of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated. All applicants will be notified of their status by July 21, 2023, via the primary email address given in their online account. Alpha Kappa Alpha Baseball Hat. I received an invitation to membership from a local graduate chapter. Can I seek membership if I am or was a member with another Sorority? Can I switch to a non-legacy candidate? Click on a region for a listing of states included in the region and a link to the region's web site. No. Delta has granted numerous vendors a license and continues to review requests daily. Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. - Vendor Information Delta asserts its ownership rights against any uses prohibited on this page, this website, licensing agreement, and/or written authorization. How To Become A Licensed Vendor For Aka - pdfFiller If you are a new user, click Start Free Trial and establish a profile. Please be sure to read the application thoroughly before submission. For questions or to obtain a license call the sorority or e-mail You may download a copy here: If you use a picture of one of your sorority sisters in advertising or promotional materials, you must get her consent. An active graduate chapter will extend an authorized and written membership letter of invitation upon approval of the official Membership Intake Process to prospective members.