[64] For most of its history, the paper's political editorials (most of them linked to the then-current Presidential election cycle) had focused instead on providing opinion on major issues based on the differing concerns of voters, the vast amount of information on these themes, and the board's aim to provide a fair viewpoint through the diverse political ideologies of its members and avoid reader perceptions of bias. tax-deductible. [34][37] On September 3, 2014, USA Today announced that it would lay off roughly 70 employees in a restructuring of its newsroom and business operations. [12] USA Today is distributed in all 50 states, Washington, D.C., and Puerto Rico, and an international edition is distributed in Asia, Canada, Europe, and the Pacific Islands. Book coverage, including reviews and a national sales chart (the latter of which debuted on October 28, 1994), is seen on Thursdays in Life, with the official full A.C. Nielsen television ratings chart printed on Wednesdays or Thursdays, depending on release. [14] In 2017, some pages of USA Today's website features Auto-Play functionality for video or audio-aided stories. Funding. Everyone offers a unique perspective; we welcome yours. His current term ends on December 7, 2026. The USA Today Editorial Board responded by writing: A president whod all but call a senator a whore is unfit to clean toilets in Obamas presidential library or shine George W. Bushs shoes. When USA Today received criticism for this editorials perceived bias, they responded with an additional editorial explaining their position. Each section is denoted by a certain color to differentiate sections beyond lettering and is seen in a box the top-left corner of the first page; the principal section colors are blue for News (section A), green for Money (section B), red for Sports (section C), and purple for Life (section D); in the paper's early years, the Life and Money sections were also assigned blue nameplates and spot color, as the presses used at USA Today' printing facilities did not yet accommodate the use of other colors to denote all four original sections. We hope the information on this website will inspire you to join in our mission to promote free press, free speech and free spirit for all people.. Editor & Publisher, the trade journal, compiles the numbers. In 1960, he was named assistant executive editor of the Detroit Free Press. The cover story is a longer story that requires a jump (readers must turn to another page in the paper to complete the story, usually the next page of that section). He left behind a powerful legacy as a Gannett newspaper tycoon, creator and spirit of USA Today and founder of the Freedom. Sign up for our NB Daily newsletter to receive the latest news. He was founder of the nations most widely read newspaper, USA TODAY, and former chairman and chief executive officer of Gannett Co. Neuharth authored eight books. Overall, we rate USA Today Left-Center Biased based on editorial positions that slightly favor the left. They also provide a listing of their staff index and the Editorial board. [14], The paper launched a sixth printing site for its international edition on May 15, 2000, in Milan, Italy, followed on July 10 by the launch of an international printing facility in Charleroi, Belgium. The program also incorporated "cubemercials", long-form advertisements created by Gannett's in-house creative studio GET Creative, which are designed to allow consumer engagement in fully immersive experiences through virtual reality. Also, in most of the sections' front pages, on the lower left-hand corner, are "USA Today Snapshots", which give statistics of various lifestyle interests according to the section it is in (for example, a snapshot in "Life" could show how many people tend to watch a certain genre of television show based upon the type of mood they are in at the time). See all Left-Center sources. On September 12 of that year, the newspaper set an all-time single day circulation record, selling 3,638,600 copies for its edition covering the September 11 attacks. TIME TO CHECK ON AL NEUHARTH - Orlando Sentinel Such avoidance of doing political editorials played a great part in USA Today's long-standing reputation for "fluff", but after its 30th anniversary revamp, the paper took a more active stance on political issues, calling for stronger gun laws after the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in 2012. USA Today is known for synthesizing news down to easy-to-read-and-comprehend stories. The paper's dynamic design influenced the style of local, regional, and national newspapers worldwide through its use of concise reports, colorized images, informational graphics, and inclusion of popular culture stories, among other distinct features.[8][9]. Al Neuharth's Hysterical 'Plain Talk': News Coverage Used - Newsbusters [69] Corsi was a prominent proponent of the false conspiracy theory that Barack Obama was not a US citizen, and Infowars has promoted conspiracy theories such as 9/11 being an "inside job. He was divorced in 1973. The October 25 Washington Post "The Reliable Source" column relayed the account by, 'Democracy Loses:' Media Crestfallen at Fox's Settlement with Dominion, LOPSIDED: Nets Push Tennessee Three Side Over Conservatives (107-24). 11 Copy quote. USA Today had never taken a position in a US presidential election. [14] USA Today prints each complete story on the front page of the respective section with the exception of the cover story.