Although, the six-story structure that looms over Fischer Street has since been converted into an affordable living complex for residents. If so, head to Kalamazoo in southwest Michigan to visit Henderson Castle, one of Michigans Top 10 Haunted Places. However, another story suggests a pregnant woman called Elizabeth Abbey Sweet was staying in room 211 when she fell, miscarried, and died. If you're planning a tour of haunted places in Michigan, be sure and scroll to the bottom of the article for an interactive map to help you plan your trip! Michigan's haunted places include cemeteries, restaurants and even the Capitol. He never returned to the shore, and the librarian mourned the man in the Lilac Room, eventually dying of a broken heart. The first occupants were 60 Native American children and eight nuns who moved in when it opened in 1915. Due to a shortage of space, the area where the current Holy Cross Cemetery on Wright Street sits was purchased in the early 1900s for additional burials. Ten Haunted or Creepy places in Michigan - Lost In Michigan One night after closing up the Inn and doing the final linen wash, Duke, the son of the inn's current owner, headed down the stairs to the Inns back kitchen to fix himself a sandwich. The boy died in the rowboat before he could reach shore. Locals like to thank Captain William Robinson for the existence of the White River Light Station in Whitehall. Haunted Places (69) Historic Places (125) Houses (246) Iconic Buildings (36) island (1) Landscapes (9) Library (27) Perry is thought to haunt the Thomas Fine Arts Building as well. First, it's believed the village may have been built on an ancient Native burial ground. She said she hadnt locked the door but it was locked when she tried to get out. Regardless of whichever story you believe, the Terrace Inn is believed to be haunted by at least three ghosts. Where are some scary haunted places in Michigan? Suposedly a pipe burst in the vacant building, killing Al, show now returns to his former home to visit guests. The Folklore & Haunted Locations Guide: Michigan, Haunted Marquette: Ghost Stories from the Queen City. This likely contributed to its demise. SHARE US~We love spreading the word about the beauty of Michigan and the many Michigan activities throughout the year. Ultimately, its success led to its decline, as patients who were treated and cured no longer needed to stay at the sanitarium. Stories are told to this day about the first print press worker, Beth Ann, who lived upstairs and worked the print office when the building was first built. Sometimes also referred to as "The Old J.J. Shamrock Irish Pub." This trip takes you from Mackinac Island through the Upper Peninsula, stopping in several small towns along the way. You will receive your first email soon. Because of the remote location and time period, the Captain was embalmed in the lighthouses basement and laid in the parlor for nearly three weeks while his family made the journey north to pay their respects. Since its closing in the 1960s (est. Psychic mediums and local journalists have toured the tunnels since Acocks was demolished and have detected paranormal occurrences and cold spots where ghostly spirits live on today. The haunting of Cabin 13 continues to be one of the most told. Haunted Places in Marquette County, Michigan The Spookiest Abandoned Places in Michigan The United Artists Theatre Building, Detroit Packard Automotive Plant, Detroit Belle Isle Zoo, Detroit Prehistoric Forest Amusement Park, Onsted Holy Family Orphanage, Marquette Northville Regional Psychiatric Hospital, Northville Fayette Keystone Bridge, Ramsay Pere Cheney She is said to be flaunting a floral gown while still harboring a heavy heart. Built by successful businessman Frank Henderson and his wife, Mary, the castle cost $72,000 in 1895 about $2.5 million in todays dollars. Allegedly, dark spirits drove a priest of the asylums chapel to hang himself there, causing some to experience strong energy in the chapel as well. 12 Incredibly Haunted Places in the Upper Peninsula | Michigan In the Forts guardhouse, cold spots (even on the hottest summer days) are felt in the building. Standing in broad daylight, this ghostly figure of a girl is seen staring out the upper floor window, peering out at the horizon of Lake Superior. Her vehement anger was so focused that she turned on the village and cursed the people again and again, in the way a witch would place a curse on someone or some place. Thank you! Sams ghost is said to haunt Cabin 13 to this very day. Its filled with haunted places, like long-forgotten hospitals, hotels, and even roads that locals dare not trek after dark. 11. I have a solution. Is this place really haunted? Returning up the stairs, he peered to his left and gazed down the long upstairs hallway as he did every night. Stayed here around 2005. One of Michigans most notorious murders occurred here in 1938 when Isaiah Leebove, former Purple Gang attorney turned Purple Gang businessman, was shot dead by his cousin and business partner Jack Livingston. He once lived on the third floor, but was hit by a car on the road in front of the lodge. Considered by some to be the most haunted historic building in Michigan, the Holly Hotel has been home to numerous visits from otherworldly guests.