The phrase easily influenced is very commonly used. Dodds compares the spread of ideas to the spread of a forest fire. (Wan exemplified leadership with their work on the XYZ project, and Im hoping they will make the ABC project as successful by taking it up.) Locus of control is the extent to which you can control and influence the various incidents of your life. We often meet or know folks who are easily influenced by others. Second, I want them to be more mindful of the impact they have on other people every day to do a sort of influence audit in order to ensure that their impact is a positive one.. Listen. Science News was founded in 1921 as an independent, nonprofit source of accurate information on the latest news of science, medicine and technology. She was susceptible to having her feelings hurt by the words of others. It happens because it ought to happen. A trauma bond is an intense emotional attachment formed between a perpetrator of abuse and the victim. A person with a personality disorder such as narcissistic personality disorder lacks empathy for other people, which can also lead to controlling behavior. Or find yourself saying yes even when you want to say no? You may choose to go along with their view or, depending on the consequences, you may choose to walk away from the situation. A key reason some ideas are so successful, conventional wisdom has held, is that a few highly influential people espouse them. Children are very persuadable by nature and adults should never attempt to take advantage of this. For example, those who are high on extraversion (sociable, gregarious) and have an increased need for monitoring their public appearance, tend to use more varied influence tactics. While that is an obvious example, influencing your frame can often be a lot more subtle and can be more about how information is presented to you. This can lead you to feeling obligated to reciprocate with a yes even if saying yes is not conducive to your work-life balance or mental health. Bad as it sounds, its a very common human tactic. If you dont want to fall prey to manipulation, it is in your best interest, too. Their internal locus of control will help them to believe that situations may be tough but not impossible to control. When we say that someone is susceptible we are saying that they are likely to submit to the influence of someone or something else. Sources of funding to this site does not ever influence editorial content of this site. CAIRO (Reuters) -Sudan's warring factions are locked in a conflict that two weeks of fighting shows neither can easily win, raising the spectre of a drawn-out war between an agile paramilitary force and the better-equipped army that could destabilise a fragile region. She is an avid reader and a keen observer. rev2023.4.21.43403. Its very likely that, at some point in your career, youll work with someone who manipulates others to get things done. Your manager might constantly talk about the strengths of others in front of you (You should role model after Dave. Health psychology to understand peoples health-related behavior, Educational psychology to determine the learning styles of students. Thus, they remain in gloom and sad feelings forever. control Locus of control usually takes a midway path. By continuing to use this site, you agree to our use of cookies. 10 Words For Someone Who Is Easily Influenced If you're looking for a noun, and you don't mind idiom, there is "putty." An employee got a pay hike in his annual appraisal session. Its naive to believe that all countries in the world are able to agree on effective solutions to the ongoing climate crisis. Chapter 2- social congnition, how we think about If you think that youre not capable of doing things the way they should be done, your locus of control will be external.