For the most part, anyway. Adept enough to consistently drill steel at 100-yard, longer if you want to push it, it's definitely a precision shooter. MSRP: $659; Taurus G3c *MA Compliant* 9mm, 3.2" Barrel, Manual Thumb Safety, Tan, 10rd, Taurus G3 *MA Compliant* 9mm, 4" Barrel, Fixed Sights, Matte Black, 10rd, Smith & Wesson M&P 2.0 *MA Compliant* 9mm, 4.6" Barrel, NTS, Black, 10rd, Taurus G3C *MA Compliant* 9mm, 3.26" Barrel, MTS, Adjustable Rear, Black, 10rd, Smith & Wesson M&P Shield EZ M2.0 Compact 9mm, 3.6" Barrel, TruGlo Pro Night Sights, Grip Safety, 8Rd Mag *MA Compliant*, Smith & Wesson M&P M2.0 Subcompact 9mm, 3.6" Barrel, Thumb Safety, 3 Dot Sights, 2x10rd Mags, MA Compliant, Sig P229 Legion 9mm, SAO, 3.9" Barrel, X-Ray 3, Legion Gray, 10rd, Smith & Wesson 638 Bodyguard 38 Special Crimson Trace MA Compliant, .38 Special +P, 1.875", 5rd, Gray Grips, Black Frame/Cylinder, Sig 1911 STX, 45 ACP, 5" Barrel, Burled Maple Grips, Massachusetts Legal, 8rd, Smith & Wesson SW22 Victory 22 LR, 5.5" Barrel, Target, Stainless, 10rd, Mass Legal, Smith & Wesson M&P Shield M2.0, 9mm, 3.1", MA Compliant 10lb Trigger, Smith & Wesson M&P M2.0, 9mm, 4.25", 10rd, Black, MA Compliant, Sig Sauer, P226 Legion, DA/SA, Full Size, 9mm, 4.4" Barrel, Alloy Frame, Legion Gray Finish, Black G10 Grips, X-RAY3 Day/Night Sights, P-SAIT Trigger, 10Rd, 3 Magazines, MA Compliant, Sig P226 Full Size Legion *MA Compliant* Single 9mm, 4.4", Black Grip, Gray PVD Stainless, Match Trig, 10rd, Sig P229 Compact Legion *MA Compliant* Single/Double 9mm, 3.9", Black Grip, Gray PVD Stainless, Manual Safety, 10rd, Sig P320 Compact, 9mm, 3.9", 10rd, MA Compliant, Black, Rock Island Armory 1911 GI Midsized 45 ACP 4.25" Barrel Parkerized Finish Fixed Sights 8rd MA Compliant, PTR PTR 91 G.I. Inc. Corbay M-11 Quality Parts E-2 Wilkinson Terry 9mm Carbine . After rebate: $479.99. NOTE: The pages tied to the reference links above are not controlled by Walther Arms, Inc. and are provided only as a reference. Im thrilled that I purchased this carbine. Massachusetts law about guns and other weapons ), A very nimble 6.35 pounds unloaded, the 16-inch barreled rifle is generally quick target to target and as manageable as youd expect a pistol-caliber long gun to be. The requirements for the license are the same as for a class A license. Notwithstanding the provisions of any general or special law, rule or regulation to the contrary, no owner of a rifle, pistol, silhouette, skeet, trap, blackpowder, or other similar range shall be liable in any civil action or criminal prosecution in any matter relating to noise or noise pollution resulting from use of the range. Best 9mm Rifles & Pistol-Caliber Carbines At least, it may be. If you are located in the states below, make sure you understand your restrictions. Hopefully all of these restrictions havent discouraged you from trying to buy a gun in Massachusetts. Its easy to poo-poo the 995 High- point entry in the carbine race. If anything, they should encourage you to try and buy as many as you can! We have made every effort to report the information correctly, however reciprocity and recognition agreements are subject tofrequentchange. Add to Compare. Please feel free to visit our website An antique firearm is defined as any handgun, rifle or shotgun manufactured in or before 1899, or any replica thereof which is not designed for firing fixed ammunition or which uses fixed ammunition no longer manufactured in the United States and no longer readily available commercially. And on that happy note, were finally done! Add to Compare. Not to mention plenty of extras ample rail space, fiber optic front sight, sling mounts and a wealth of aftermarket upgrades. In fact, for its price, the 16-inch rifle is among the best deals going in a category of pistol-caliber long gun that seems to get more expensive every year. Admittedly, Thureon Defenses 9mm carbine almost doesnt qualify for this list. The seller and purchaser must file a report of the sale with the Executive Director of the Criminal History Systems Board within seven days of the sale. Weve got a dedicated section for the AR-15 here. The Washington law would block the sale, distribution, manufacture and importation of more than 50 gun models, including AR-15s, AK-47s and similar style rifles. Speaking of optics, on the M&P FPC they're mounted on the M-LOK handguard that also has Picatinny rail on its top. And if you are under 18, you can still get an FID card! No owner shall be liable in any action for nuisance, and no court shall enjoin the use or operation of said range on the basis of noise or noise pollution, provided said owner was in compliance with any noise control law, ordinance or by-laws in existence at the time of the construction of the range. MSRP: $949.99; PSAK-V MOEKOV Rifle $949.99 Palmetto State Armory. When not at his press or the range he can be found chasing mule deer around the Rocky Mountains. STATE CONSTITUTIONAL PROVISION - Declaration of Rights, Article 17. You missed an obvious winner, the Chiappa M1-9, wood stock with 2 mags.