Operation Buddie(retired), Fri, 6:44 PMCapGN: should we tell him?Superman: dont you dare. Knowing that her uncle, Robert Nash, had moved to LA several years prior, after the unfortunate pa hey yall this is my first story don't judge(but basically eddie falls in love with buck while taking care of him, but he has been in love a lot longer than that and he is a fire fighter for the 118, she is a college hockey player, and 9-1-1 operator in her spare time. In other words, things are definitely on course to blow up like a former-perfume factory on fire. For more than three minutes, his heart did not beat. Buck has been a dragon rider since birth, and he has hidden this fact for most of his life. Please consider turning it on! Buck Buck, did you invite these people? Questioned Eddie with a puzzled face towards his husband. Death is the Road Chapter 1, a 9-1-1 fanfic | FanFiction Death is the Road Growing up, Buck got hurt a lot. Buck knew that he was easy to leave.Left and right people were always leaving him. The Prince shakes his head and ushers him back in the direction of the table. But right now, at the threat of losing someone he held so dearly in his lifesomeone in his family, Buck couldnt help the helplessness that he was feeling. His mental well-being declining quickly, and after his first attempt while he had still been in College, he left, not looking back (only his subconsciousness did, the nightmares waking him up regularly).Maddie left her husband earlier, and Buck never saw anything other than a friend in Abby.So, what could possibly happen when a really attractive firefighter with an adorable son suddenly pops up at the station? His mind freezes on the man. Evan Buckley | 9-1-1 Wiki | Fandom Evan "Buck" Buckley-Nash by Anthony 63.7K 1.5K 26 Buck is 9 when his sister leaves him and his family alone for her boyfriend Doug when she turns 18. Parties, school, hanging out with friends. (Or, the five times the thought of losing his family nearly pushed Buck into relapsing during his recovery.). May Grant, shes the slayer in Los Angeles right now. Buck is certain his brain just broke. He beckoned. Please consider turning it on! Hes ready. Not in a million years, Buck responded with a stern voice. I noticed you here the other day. As always, he hoped it wasnt himself. Throughout the process, Eddie realizes where hes supposed to be, Buck figures out what he wants to do with his life, and the magic in the gingerbread mysteriously sparks again. Evan "Buck" Buckley & May Grant - Works | Archive of Our Own The re-written of the "A Woman's Touch" story. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. I think them dating other people at first, was good for them. In this fic we will also see how the Grant-Nash's have adopted Buck into their family and how he's there with them and for them every step of the way. In other words, things are definitely on course to blow up like a former-perfume factory on fire. I'm fighting stage 3 lung cancer. "WWhat?" Of all the ways Buck thought he would die. "You could say that. Now, I guess I just made it worse with a team having to take me to the hospital in the middle of a call,' Buck mostly said the last part to himself, but the older couple heard it and it earned him getting flicked in the ear by Athena, making him let out an undignified squeak as he covered his ear.". The 118 race to save the lives of workers trapped in a five-alarm factory fire. Evan Buckley-Nash has been many things over his life. When Maddie and Chimney come across an abused little girl, they will do whatever it takes to make sure she is safe. I just felt like you were the perfect person to help me with this., And what exactly is this? Buck asked and May chuckled. My mind is focused on staying alive. She apparently invited them to town out of concern. Maddie just laughs at him. Thank you so much! This is everything he has ever wanted. He almost missed it a flash of something cold across dull blue eyes, there and gone in the same moment: resignation, or catharsis, or apathy something cruelly familiar and dangerously absolute. Bucks trauma, emotional baggage, and nightmare of a childhood gets dragged out by a bunch of online quizzes.He has dreams like the coma, he realizes what life has to offer.The question is, does death beat him to it? Kelly attempts small talk, not his favorite thing, with the quiet and withdrawn Floater; however, any attempt of friendship is ignored. Buck was 26 when he realised that it didnt need to. NO! Eventually, he decides to join the LAFD as a change of pace and ends up working on Evan's team. When Buck finds out he is pregnant, the first thing he does is go right to Bobby and Athena's because he is freaking out and doesn't know how to tell Eddie. tip: austen words:10000-50000 sort:title, Due to the incredible support of the community, we've raised US$252,343.98 with an average donation of $32.14, and added 6450 new members this drive. Will Buck and Eddie realize their feelings for each other? Season 2+ Pepa, since Eddie is in New York and Buck is still job hunting, asks Buck to help her sell the panadera.