5 people, including 2 children, killed in Georgia house fire - NBC News Two children died inside the structure, two in an ambulance and one on the way to the hospital, Blackmon said. Fire crews encountered the . Photo by Daniel Shular, dshular@post-dispatch.com, Sheila Dunigan, aunt of Sabrina Dunigan, left, speaks while standing with Terra Jenkins of Silence to Violence Outreach during a vigil for five children who died in an overnight house fire in East St. Louis on Friday, August 6, 2021. The blaze was in Youngstown, just miles from the Pennsylvania border. The mother and other adult were found outside the home by fire crews. Five children were killed in an overnight fire in East St. Louis Friday. Five young children die in Illinois apartment fire - Daily Mail She dont have nothing left.. https://www.facebook.com/plugins/post.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fyoungstownfirecom%2Fposts%2F10156670584355575&width=500. Thanks for contacting us. Photo by Robert Cohen, rcohen@post-dispatch.com, Duwanna Davis arranges teddy bears and balloons in memory of five children who died in an East St. Louis apartment fire in the 500 block of 29th Street on Friday, Aug. 6, 2021. Family devastated after 5 children killed in East St. Louis fire Legal Statement. An Ohio coroner's office has identified the five young children, including 1-year-old twins, who were tragically killed in a house fire late Sunday night. 5 children killed in Dartmouth Avenue fire; victims identified | wgrz.com Fire Chief Jason Blackmon confirmed five children died, telling CNN that firefighters were able to rescue three before they died of smoke inhalation. It's just so hard,\" said a grief-stricken Sheila Dunigan.Dunigan and her family are mourning five young children who died in an apartment fire in East St. Louis on their mom's birthday.\"Our family has never taken a hit like this, ever. 2023 FOX News Network, LLC. Di Corona office for St Clair County say di five victims of di 6th of August fire incident include: 2-year-old Loyal Dunigan, 4-year-old Jabari Johnson, 7-year-old twins Heaven and Nevaeh Dunigan. Illinois mom arrested after her five children die in house fire Sabrina Dunigan has 'nothing left' since the loss of her children, he said. 2023 FOX News Network, LLC. A Warner Bros. Remnants of their lives - a pink and white bicycle tire, a yellow plastic sliding board, mattresses and box springs - lay strewn in a fenced-in front yard. Check out what's clicking on Foxnews.com. No way someone could come upstairs and start a fire, she said, adding that the door was locked and only she and her father had keys. Sherman, carrying a child in each arm, handed them through the window to Minor, who threw them on her bed. There was a problem saving your notification. Two of the children were found dead in a bedroom, East St. Louis Assistant Fire Chief George McClellan told Fox2. Neighbor Deborah Rivera told The Youngstown Vindicator that she heard a loud noise and called 911. Photo by Daniel Shular, dshular@post-dispatch.com, Marshata Caradine hold a sign supporting Sabrina Dunigan, the mother of the five children who died in an overnight fire, near the building where it happened on Friday, August 6, 2021, in East St. Louis. Sherman tried to retrieve the others, Minor said, but the smoke was so blinding and the fire so hot that even Minors husband, a volunteer firefighter, couldnt get in the house. Get all the stories you need-to-know from the most powerful name in news delivered first thing every morning to your inbox. The visitation is from 9 a.m. to noon at the church,. We dont know the cause of the fire, Dye said. The children ranged in age from 9 to 1 years old, according to Youngstown councilwoman Anita Davis. Among the firefighters working Friday was a probationary firefighter who was at the scene of his first fire. Ukraine war latest: Boy, 6, cries as sister killed in Russian attack The cause of the fire remains unknown but has been ruled accidental, Whitpain Township Fire Marshal James Fenerty said. Photo by Daniel Shular, dshular@post-dispatch.com, Elder Carolyn Rice Smith from the Empowerment of Grace Ministry prays into a microphone while standing with Alonzo Wright, right, the next door neighbor to the apartment building that caught fire overnight, during the vigil for the five children who died in an overnight house fire in East St. Louis on Friday, August 6, 2021. Buffalo Fire Commissioner William Renaldo told reporters Tuesday that the grandmother was able to carry a 7-month-old infant out of the burning home and that she and her daughter tried to evacuate the other children. Their mother, America Amy Negron-Acevedo, is the only survivor of the horrific tragedy. Thanks for contacting us. Tiffany Smith, center, places five prayer candles with her children Nalana Williams, 4, left, and Christopher Young, 11, near the stoop leading up to the apartment where an overnight fire killed . You have permission to edit this article. Wright announced he was donating all of the money he will get selling his Camaro to the Dunigan family.