Is 300 blk worth it unsuppressed? The can boosts the pressure and affects trajectory. Shooting quickly and quietly is not always as important as shooting flat with the appropriate ballistic energy to put down your target effectively. A can on the end of your rifle is going to cut down significantly on the overpressure at the shooters ear, and can bring the muzzle blast down to more manageable levels. If you do plan on shooting suppressed or aiming at targets within short distances then proceed with the 300 blackout platform. In a possible third part of the series, Im considering asking a few hunters and invasive species control experts (wild hog eradicators) for their opinion. Home Ammunition Subsonic Success: Getting Good Function From a .300 Blackout. 300BLK, shooting subsonics suppressed or unsuppressed? Other than to check performance on a chrony or to look for keyholing? We posted another video from Class 3 Ordnance a little while ago where he shot a 7.5 Adams Arms Tactical Elite Upper with and without a silencer (find article HERE ). MjQxYzgwMWFlN2IyYmNlZWI5N2JjZGQ0ZGU1MzQyZmI5MWMwODk1ZjUxYmMw Anything more and I get FTF,FTE. But that's exactly what it was designed for. I'd recommend holding onto the subsonic .300blk ammo until you get an approved tax stamp for a suppressor. Conversely an expanding supersonic bullet will create substantially more trauma than non-expanding supersonic bullets or expanding subsonic bullets. MmQ0NGIwYWY0ZDkzMjQ3MTA3YjE5MTM0ZDFkNzFjZmU4YTNkODkwNGE5YWFl I have multiple 16 inch barrels in 300BLK and they work perfect. OWEyN2JmMTE0ZGM2MzkxYjdhZDc1N2EzYzNhOGQzY2I4NDNkNTJkYjI1MDcy YjYzYTFjNjg3ODIxNzc4MTIwMDYxZmFlYjc5YjAzZjQzODIxYTUzNTYwZDlj With bullet weights in the 190-220 grain range, and a muzzle velocity below 1,100 FPS, 300 Blackout is one of the best cartridges for shooting subsonic rounds. Pretty much, its for those who want a bigger bullet in an AR-15 with a minimum of technical distractions (some call them problems). Supersonic rounds are the standard rounds most shooters are familiar with as they are the more practical rounds for most applications compared to subsonic rounds. Fun as hell and easy to tote. I have AR's in .22, 9mm, x39, .223, 6.5G and .308. I've thought about building a .300, but don't see the need.. But if you are spending close to $1 per round for quality factory ammo, I thought it might be a good idea to take a look at some actual decibel meter comparisons between between top brands. Unless you have rare earth metals coming out consistently from at least one end of your body the average person might not be able to afford consistent training with subsonic 300 BLK to be proficient. Download the app DOWNLOAD These advantages are powerful features of subsonic rounds and are made the most effective when applied with a suppressor device. The pistol-length-port location requires the least amount of post-build tuning to get 100-percent reliability. Read more: SIG SAUER MCX Rifle Review With Video Reply Save Like 7.62Kolectr If I couldn't do short with 300blk I would have zero interest in it. 300 Blackout Suppressed With Subsonic Ammo - YouTube 300 Blackout Suppressed With Subsonic Ammo - YouTube 0:00 / 1:22 300 Blackout Suppressed With Subsonic Ammo Cory Meals 364 subscribers Subscribe 43K views 5 years ago 300 Blackout Suppressed. YzhlYzAxNTM3YjA3NjI5MDM0NTA1YzlmOGIyMjE1NzhmYzcyMDYzZGYwZGNm We reserve the right to edit as appropriate, delete profane, harassing, abusive and spam comments or posts, and block repeat offenders. The 300 AAC BLK is very similar to the Winchester 30-30 in velocity and energy for equally sized bullets. For precisely this reason, hunting with subsonic 300 blackout is generally not advised in most scenarios unless youre taking on wild pigs or smaller sized game within short distances. 7.62x39 has more power and cheaper ammo than 300blk. If there's no can then this is a dumb argument. A friend of mine likes to hunt with a 16" 300 blk over his 6.8 when hunting everything from deer, hogs and coyotes. Because of the lower pressures at the muzzle, and the lack of a supersonic report, shooting "subs" is completely hearing safe and comfortable for the operator and those around them. SAINT .300 BLK Pistol: will it function unsuppressed with subsonic ammo MjFlNGIwYjNkNjAzOWNhNTg4NTk2Y2VhODViMjg3YmI4OTgwMmExYmVmNDlk In terms of ballistics and terminal performance, supersonic is where 300 BLK really shines, especially in SBRs, and especially compared to 5.56 for short to mid-range use. Your access to this site was blocked by Wordfence, a security provider, who protects sites from malicious activity. NjZmMjljMGU3ZmYwMTE4YjM1NmVlNzEwZmQ4YjdhN2VhZWEyZWRmM2Y1YmJl by JasonAAC Fri May 27, 2011 10:14 am, Post .300 Blackout is an intermediate caliber that performs with a better ballistic capability than 5.56x45mm while retaining the same round capacity using a standard M4 magazine.