Planters Cheez Balls The cheesy, crunchy balls that every child and teen obsess over. Holy whole grains! 1. Hip hop was one of the top music styles of the early 2000s, and dancers will literally help bring the party to life. There are 2000s movie classics that are cinematically amazing, but also major downers, such as Requiem for a Dream and Gladiator. Arrange them in a design on the walls, or hang them from the ceiling. If youre looking for 21st birthday party ideas or want to know how to plan a birthday party or bachelorette party, try going old school with an early 2000s theme. This will create an early 2000s nostalgic photo booth option. Kallee Krong-McCreery, Escondido, California Get Our Recipe for Egg-Topped Avocado Toast 2 / 30 Taste of Home Unicorn Cake If you want, you can even make a cocktail with Kool-Aid drink mix, some sliced fruit, and your favorite liquors! We recommend our users to update the browser. Want to please the whole crowd? Beads before door entrances. For something a little more unique, try dressing up as a character from your favorite 2000s TV show or movie. their Myspace profile pic. Cocktail Meatballs. Agatston's carbohydrate-reducing plan is just one facet of the low-carb craze sweeping the nation. Take a . From decorations to favors and foods, we have all the 2000s themed party ideas. Please allow at least 14 days from the date of submission if possible. But why stop at awards shows? This includes: CD installations. Make sure to include some glow-in-the-dark decorations to go with the 2000s theme! Lets not get the guests crying. The first thing you need to do when youre rolling with a. is to immediately park any ideas about making it classy. Please check all the services you still need. 2000's Prom Party favors! It seems none of us can function without checking our Blackberrys, iPhones, Kindles, or GPS. Decorate with streamers and balloons in silver and gold, and play upbeat music from the decade. We may earn a small commission if you make a purchase from a link. The open area, beautiful views, and ample seating options provide a comfortable atmosphere for people to chillax and mingle. Dress as the clique you most relate to. Sliders In addition to creating a party playlist filled with nostalgic Kids Bop songs, you can also use the songs for musical based games such as: From creating the tallest building structure to an intricate city, Legos are a fun way to spark creativity and imagination within your guests. View this photo on. String together the discs or secure them to the wall to create unique lighting and a fun photo backdrop. Bake up Martha Stewart's best cupcake recipes. Such as, the shows you used to watch, games you used to play, and the foods that you used to eat. Beaded curtains were all the rage in the 2000s. This might be a pricier favor option, but its sure to be a hit! You know why. that are reminiscent of the 2000s! $15.40 (20% off) 90,s (3X3) Lg 32pcs Hip hop/R&B music Cd-album cover table toss confetti decor. To really make your guests feel like they are back in the year 2000, the key is in the details. Choose Jell-O in whatever colors and flavors you want, and mix with vodka! There are 5 important steps youll need to follow when planning a. . Recreate Britney Spears and Justin Timberlakes denim on denim look or wear anything blinged out and metallic as a nod to Y2K. Silly Bandz bracelets are fun and perfect for a 2000s themed party favor! Whether you want to go big or keep it simple, there are plenty of ways to throw an unforgettable 2000s-themed party. Or, for something a little stronger, try serving shots of vodka or Jell-O shots. Make your karaoke party shine with these Confetti Balloons or these Gold Foil Star Plates that scream, Youre going to Hollywood!. Pick a specific 2000s genre or show off your general knowledge of all of your favorite 2000s movies. If you want to get creative, you can create a time capsule for each table. Add flip phones, iPods, and butterflies to your centerpieces or incorporate iridescent ceiling decorations and fringe. 00:25. See more ideas about 2000s party, 90s theme party, party. The more information you can provide now, the fewer irrelevant vendors will reach out to you about their services. Trivia is a fun way to test your guests on their 2000s knowledge! An adult twist on the candy your parents probably didnt let you have: Fun Dip Shots. The 2000s revitalized pop music in a big way. Another thing to bring some nostalgia to your 2000s themed party is charcuterie boards! This game can get intense quickly, but its so much fun! Compete with your guests to match celebrities with red carpet photos. Make your karaoke party shine with these. There are quite a few iconic 2000s theme party ideas that you can choose to channel that noughties vibe. Add a fun twist to chicken nuggets and fries and have your guests create their own happy meal. Offer a variety of colors for your guests to pick from! Use a selfie stick to get everyone in the photo and take lots of photos. If youre wanting to celebrate Y2K style, youve come to the right place! Y2K 2000's party theme digital download cupcake topper / printable DIY party supplies / instant download cake topper / birthday party decor . Play the first couple seconds of a shows theme song and the first person that guesses the shows name gets the point.